What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is learning to speak up for yourself. If you don’t make choices for yourself, someone else probably will, and you may wish they had made different choices. We can help you to express your choices in ways that others will hear and respect you.


What is Self-Advocacy?


No one knows your life experiences, your needs, and your feelings better than you. Therefore, no one is better qualified to advocate for your needs than you! Self-advocacy is just that; representing one’s interests and needs. Unfortunately, many people have barriers that make it difficult at first to advocate for themselves. Some may have difficulty communicating, while others may have an anxiety disorder that makes it difficult for them to communicate with people in positions of authority. Whatever the barrier, self-advocacy is an integral component of the independent living philosophy.

Many of our staff members have disabilities, and as such, they have first-hand experience in learning how to self-advocate. Our staff can assist our consumers with becoming their self-advocates largely because they have been through it themselves.​​​

How Our Staff Can Help


Many of our staff members have disabilities, and as such, they have first-hand experience in learning how to self-advocate. Our staff can assist our consumers with becoming their self-advocates largely because they have been through it themselves.​​​

Advocacy Issues


As a community of individuals with disabilities, there are many issues in our lives that we share. These greater issues that we face are what we want to focus on in terms of advocacy. Advocacy is defined as “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal” (Merriam-Webster). On our website, you will find information on various topics that we help to address as advocacy for the community of individuals with disabilities.


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